VRoom VRoom Taco

Working in the back of a moving taco truck, the player must prepare customer orders while bumps in the road send ingredients flying, fires keep breaking out, and equipment keeps falling apart. Trying to balance it all is quite a task.

Roles: Designer, Producer

Software: Unity Engine

Duration: January 29-31, 2020 — 48 Hours

As a rather ambitious game for a team of students to develop during the 48 hours of a Global Game Jam, the team needed to be larger than is typical for a game jam. The project team consisted of 8 students who needed to work in sync for the duration of the game jam, and so project management on this game was key in a way that it is not for most game jam games. Managing task distribution, estimated completion times, GitHub branches, testing, and building was incredibly important on this project. The importance of scope control was also critical, and establishing clear distinctions between high- and low-priority content goals was one of my main focuses as I was ideating for the game.