Featured Projects



Don’t Show. Don’t Tell.

My graduate thesis project, Don’t Show. Don’t Tell. is VR horror game that explores how the experience of embodiment in VR can be used to evolve the horror genre and create fear in new ways that capitalize on the unique strengths of VR technologies.

Kendo VR

This VR project features recreations of exercises performed by practitioners of the Japanese martial art kendo, including reactive feedback to help users improve technique.


Harlow’s Wallpaper

From 2018 to 2020, the Video Game Development Club at NCSU’s main club project was Harlow’s Wallpaper. Harlow’s Wallpaper is a virtual reality horror game in which the player is trapped in a room and must solve puzzles to escape.



As a member of the team at NCSU working on the Virtual Martin Luther King, Jr. Project (vMLK), I worked specifically on the virtual reality recreation of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous speech entitled, “A Creative Protest.” This recreation offers users the opportunity to experience what it may have been like to be in attendance during Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech.


VRoom VRoom Taco

Working in the back of a moving taco truck, players must prepare customer orders while bumps in the road send ingredients flying, fires keep breaking out, and equipment keeps falling apart. Trying to balance it all is quite a task.